Multi-Dose Packaging
With our Multi-dose Packaging Service, we make it easy for patients to take the right medications at the right time, every time.
Prescriptions, over-the-counter medications and vitamins can be packaged together, organized by day and time of dose in clear, plastic packets. This service helps us do the following:
- Add convenience and value for our customers
- Improve adherence and patient outcomes
For long-term care and skilled nursing customers, Multi-dose Packaging replaces blister and bingo cards and allows you to:
- Dispense in cycles ranging from 30 days to 24 hours
- Ease short-cycle compliance and reduce med waste
- Manage med changes with agility and speed
- Improve adherence and patient outcomes for lower hospital readmissions
If you want to consult with a pharmacist please click here.
If you are interested in our services you can call us at 713-218-6337 or go to Contact Us.